I have given up on politics and am just thankful that the Lord holds this somewhat ridiculous world in His hands. But I read an article the other day about how Hilary is now leading Barack 43% to 22% in polls for the Democratic primary. I don't really care either way, but I think it's really interesting what a disaster Obama's campaign has been up to this point. He must have some of the worst advisors ever...he literally spends all of his time talking about how he voted against the war at the beginning. He honestly believes that is his #1 selling point. As if he can win an election by constantly screaming about how stupid anyone was who supported the Iraq War at the beginning. It's as if his entire campaign is oblivious to the fact that something like 60-70% of the country (maybe more) did support the war when it began. Running a national campaign around the fact that over 2/3rds of the country are stupid and should be ashamed for their naivety and short-sightedness just is not going to be successful and that is what we are seeing as Hillary (yes, he is getting destroyed by Hillary Clinton) trounces him. Whether or not the war was a good idea, I find it fascinating that he has completely forfeited his opportunity to become the next president by vehemently (and constantly) insisting that everyone else is an idiot. Maybe no one explained how the whole voting system works...you need people to like you in order to get their votes and insulting them generally doesn't help with that. Maybe he will move on from that issue and make a comeback, but my guess is that he missed his chance. Maybe him and Howard Dean can be friends.
I just can't get excited about any of it these days.
- j(w)s
Even though I agree that there isn't any reason to get excited about any of the candidates, I can understand why he makes this his selling point. He has some good ideas (and some horrible ones), but it is his naivety concerning policy implementation that makes things complicated for his campaign. True, he overemphasizes this one point, making it seem as though he doesn't have much to say about anything else, but the crowds cheer loudest when he brings it up. Why? It makes him appear as though he understood when no one else did, and he hopes to play on the idea that people want someone who can make critical decisions that they couldn't make, with limited information. The problem is not that people are made to feel stupid as he continally emphasizes this point, but rather that this one point (that people respond well to) isn't enough to get him elected. His naivety will cost him the nomination.
Dear Jeremiah,
I don't really know much about you, but there are a few things I do know:
1. You read good books
2. You seem politically frustrated
3. You have a sister who is on my list of top five favorite people.
In light of these things, I feel compelled to make a suggestion. You should read God's Politics by Jim Wallis. He is clearly biased, which you must look out for, yet he has done wonders for my political motivation. It's a good reminder of why we should be active citizens and he makes good points of the role religion should play in politics.
If you've already read this and are still in such a political quandry, then I've got nothing.
happy american idol-ing!
Kristen Straw
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