Saturday, May 23, 2009

Maybe you're wondering...

"what drink was Robby talking about from Starbuck's in his previous post that only costs $2?" I mean... you probably weren't wondering that, but you should have been. I used to think that any drink worth getting at Starbuck's was at least $4. Not true.

If you're a white chocolate mocha fan I'm about to change your life. Or just make trips to Starbuck's a little less painful. You need to order a misto with white chocolate sweeter added. It's seriously $2, and it taste almost exactly the same (a little less sweet than the mocha... which I like). And if you'd like that same flavor but iced then you need to order a cafe con leche with white chocolate sweetener (its just half iced coffee and half milk with sweetener just in case the barista doesn't know what you're talking about).

There you go. Hope you enjoy that little fun fact. You can thank the one and only Sarah Sizemore for that gem of information. She is a former Starbuck's barista and recent graduate of Samford University's School of Nursing (also the sister of my MIA "Right. Then Left." co-founder Jeremiah Sizemore. Where the heck are you, Jer?).

Making life a little sweeter (and more affordable),


Anonymous said...

you have no idea how confusing the whole sarah sizemore by birth vs. sarah sizemore by marriage thing is getting...

Anonymous said...

you have no idea how confusing the whole sarah sizemore by birth vs. sarah sizemore by marriage thing is getting...