Friday, May 29, 2009

Still Here

Haven't found someone to fill my spot in the apartment yet, so I'm thinking I might be here in LA for the rest of June. While it kind of stresses me out because of financial issues, I guess the Lord wants me here for some reason so I'll just trust Him. Maybe its because American Idol auditions are here in LA at the Rose Bowl on June 30th, so I'll definitely be going to that if I'm still here! We'll see what happens!

Cause life is crazy,

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Heroine? Yes, please.

I've made it a habit to check Craigslist every once-in-a-while for random jobs that might be available (even though most are big scams). Last night I was enjoying this process and ran across an add saying "need a thin, 18-24 year old guy for feature film." They should have just said "Robby Stone... we need you." I sent my headshot to the email address provided and ended up hearing back from the director and booking the part! Don't get too excited. It didn't pay anything, but I was just excited about the experience. Plus, I had no idea what the part would be. I'd soon have that question answered. Hilarious.

Before I committed to the part, I wanted to get a few details. The film is called "Bones," and it stars Jimmy Bennett as the title character (IMDB him. He's done quite a bit for a 13 year old). I read over the script, and while I like the story line there is definitely a lot of language in it. Thank goodness I didn't have any cursing or even lines that you'll actually hear (there will be a voice over). I will be playing Bones' father in a flashback scene in the film. Bones' father is a heroine addict who dies before Bones is even born. Yes. The flashback scene was that fateful night when Bones' dad was killed! I got to die in a movie! Not sure if it's a good thing that I'm so excited about that.

Lets start with my costume for the scene. I have on light blue short 70s shorts and one tube sock with blue and red stripes around the top on my right foot... and thats it. Got that mental picture? Pretty incredible.

Now lets move on to makeup. Remember, I'm a heroine addict, so makeup litters my arms with needle track marks, abscessed needle wounds, and bulging blue veins while I'm given dark circles under my eyes, sweat, a huge fever blister in the corner of my mouth and sick brown crap in my teeth.

Now put the costume and the makeup together in your mind. If only I had a picture...

We filmed the scene at this disgusting motel room in North Hills, CA called the Good Knight Inn (Yeah. There was a castle theme to the motel that was very well executed... or not). I won't go into all the details of the scene here, but I will tell you that I am choked to death with my tube sock that I'm not wearing on my left foot for some reason. Pretty awesome. Oh! And during the first take that we did I was actually choking and almost passed out. When they stopped filming I stood up and everything was blurry and I was really shakey! Not too fun.

To tell you the truth, I was terrified of actually having to act. Super excited, but terrified. It was my first time to do any real acting, and I'll just say right now that I need a lot more practice before I'll feel confident doing it! Hopefully I didn't make a complete fool of myself, though. The crew said I did a good job, so I'll just trust them. I'm not sure I could have gotten much further from my true life than this character, but thats what acting is all about, right?

And if you don't think it's right that I played a heroine junkie then I'll just say that I feel fine portraying a character like that. It's a completely honest depiction of how some people live, and the life of an addict is not promoted or glamorized in the film at all. It shows the depravity and hurt that drug abuse can cause, and I hope I did a good job displaying that. Just thought I'd clear that up now.

I guess I can actually say I'm an actor now,

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Maybe you're wondering...

"what drink was Robby talking about from Starbuck's in his previous post that only costs $2?" I mean... you probably weren't wondering that, but you should have been. I used to think that any drink worth getting at Starbuck's was at least $4. Not true.

If you're a white chocolate mocha fan I'm about to change your life. Or just make trips to Starbuck's a little less painful. You need to order a misto with white chocolate sweeter added. It's seriously $2, and it taste almost exactly the same (a little less sweet than the mocha... which I like). And if you'd like that same flavor but iced then you need to order a cafe con leche with white chocolate sweetener (its just half iced coffee and half milk with sweetener just in case the barista doesn't know what you're talking about).

There you go. Hope you enjoy that little fun fact. You can thank the one and only Sarah Sizemore for that gem of information. She is a former Starbuck's barista and recent graduate of Samford University's School of Nursing (also the sister of my MIA "Right. Then Left." co-founder Jeremiah Sizemore. Where the heck are you, Jer?).

Making life a little sweeter (and more affordable),

Thursday, May 21, 2009

American Idol Finale

Yep. I was there. It was amazing! Where else can you see Queen Latifa, Rod Stewart, the Black Eyed Peas, Jason Mraz, Carlos Santana, David Cook, Keith Urban, Steve Martin, Lionel Richie, Cyndi Lauper, KISS, and Queen perform all in one night along with the best group of American Idol contestants ever? It still doesn't feel like I was actually there. And I'm SO glad Kris won! I had a feeling he would, but it was just good to hear it. He seems like such a nice guy. I mean... Adam can definitely sing (I'll give him that even though I'm not a fan of his voice), and he puts on quite a show, but I just love Kris' style and voice. Not really what I would call an "American Idol," but he's freakin' good.

I pray one day I'm up on that stage. I would love it. All I can do is audition and pray... which I'll be doing again this year!

I'm pretty sure I'll be moving back to the south in the next week or so. It all depends on whether or not we find someone to take my place in the apartment. I honestly can't afford to pay rent for June, so I hope we work it out quickly. It'll be sad to leave LA so soon, but I just really feel that I need to pursue music or musical theater in a different city. I have so much more I'd like to see out here, but that requires money (something I no longer have), so I'll just have to come back someday and take some travel time.

In other news... tonight is the premiere of perhaps my favorite show on television (besides AI, of course). SYTYCD. That would be "So You Think You Can Dance." Don't laugh at me yet. Have you seen it? I dare you to watch a few episodes and not get hooked. I'm serious. There's just something about that show that grabs you. I have a couple friends (you can probably guess who you are) that I would never expect to like the show, and they love it. Wish I could watch it with all my friends back in B'ham, but I'll be back soon enough for us to catch a good bit of the season! Don't worry.

I'm gonna go decide if it'd be a bad idea to get a cup of Starbuck's. Nevermind. Just decided. It's bad.

Cause $2 is now too much,

Monday, May 18, 2009

New Adventure

I've been debating on whether or not my time in Los Angeles should come to an end. I came out here for a few reasons. First, I really felt like the Lord was calling me out here, so thats really all the push I needed. However, I've also always wondered if I should pursue a career in the film and television industry, and I've never really had the opportunity to work in it, so I wanted to try it out. There was also a part of me that knew I needed to separate myself from the comforts of friends, family and familiarity. I needed to grow and be on my own where I only had Christ to depend on, and living in Los Angeles would definitely give me that isolation and challenge.

Though I've only been here 3.5 months now, it's been quite a ride. If you've read my previous posts then you've probably noticed the ups and downs that have occurred in my short time here, and I've learned so much through this experience. I've spent literally hours praying about where God wants me and what He wants me to do, and to tell you the truth I still don't know the full answer to that question! I do feel that the Lord is leading me back to the south for now, though.

The plan is to work for a few months and save up money before heading somewhere to pursue music or musical theater. I'm sure I'll be spending plenty of time in prayer about where the Lord wants me to be and what He wants me to do. One step at a time, though. Thats all I can do at this point.

On a different note...

Here's some pictures of me and Danielle Broome. We were feeling a little crazy one night this weekend, so we decided to head down to Hollywood & Highland... dressed like idiots.

Oh, they get better... or worse. Depends on how you look at it.

Barbara. She so crazy...

I know, I know. I'm an idiot. And guess what... I'm so glad I am.


Am I in my "best years?"

I hate the phrase "the best years of life." Why does there have to be a time in life thats considered "the best?" I certainly hope I don't ever get to a place where I feel that my time to be relevant and productive has passed me by. I think thats an absurd and lazy mindset, and I refuse to think that way. Every phase of life has something about it that makes it unique and more special than any other phase of life, and I feel that individuals can do extraordinary work in every single phase.

I understand that there are certain phases of life that allow for greater freedom and discovery due to a lesser degree of responsibility, but does that mean that it's the best time in life? I know this thought is coming from someone who has only experienced 24 years of life, so I am very aware that I have much to learn. However, I feel it's possible for God to use anyone at any age in incredible ways! Why limit ourselves by thinking that there's a certain time in our lives to do His greatest work?! Are we supposed to just work really hard for a while and then when we've finally "paid our dues" just call it quits and retire? The work of Christ NEVER ends! He can do so much if we just trust Him to do it. I'm still learning how hard having that kind of trust is, though. It's tough. Really tough. But He is so good to step in and prove that He is worthy of our trust!

So, am I in my "best years?" Yes... and I pray I'll continue to be in my "best years" for the rest of my life.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We really did have a band...

I promise. Oh. And here's a video of us... before it all came to a screeching halt last week.

It was fun while it lasted!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Do I stay or do I go now?

Los Angeles has definitely taken a toll on my bank account. Those savings I had when I came out here... gone. Those jobs I was hoping to book while out here... nowhere in sight.

I have no doubt that I was supposed to come out here to pursue some dreams, and I've learned a TON since I've been here. However, the lessons have left me with more questions. One extremely pressing question involves what to do now. I've been out in LA for close to 4 months now, and I've experienced quite a bit in my short time here. Extra work, auditions, a full-time paid band gig, a complete falling out of a band, and multiple days of unemployment.

As I've said, the lessons I've learned in my time here are priceless, and I don't regret my decision to make this move. I've learned what the film and television industry is like and some of what it takes to succeed in it. I've performed as a professional singer (as short as it may have lasted), and I realized how much I really do love singing. I love it. A lot. I even started getting into song writing, which I also loved. So, here comes the question... where do I go to pursue music?

Nashville or Los Angeles? That is the question. Nashville is definitely the music city, and the fact that it's MUCH closer to family and friends is also appealing. However, the fact that I've already moved to LA and have only been here for less than 4 months makes it difficult for me to decide to leave. Plus, I'd probably have to move to my parent's house in Atlanta for the summer in order to work and save up some money before I made the move to Nashville. That really wouldn't be bad. I mean... not ideal... but ok. I guess there's a chance I could find a job in Nashville while I'm still in LA and make it work.

I don't know. Lots of prayer is needed, and I probably need to just take a few days to think it all over. It's such a scary time in our society economically, and I'm definitely feeling the crunch. I want to make sure the Lord is leading me and not my insecurities or fears. Am I scared? Yes. Am I confused? Absolutely. But God is still in control. I just pray that He shows me what I need to do... and it'd be really nice if it was pretty soon. Please, Lord!

Alright. I need to get some sleep. I'm completely emotionally spent.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Mysterious "g"

"g" gave me some insight into pigeons. Apparently they're smart. So, pigeons... I'm sorry.

I'll try to get my facts straight next time I attempt to be humorous.


Takin' It Back

I used to write a lot of ridiculous things on this blog that were super random but hopefully entertaining (look back about a year ago, and you'll see what I mean. You'll also see that this blog used to have two authors. Myself and my best friend Jeremiah. I know he still knows the password, so he really should write something sometime). I just really want to bring back the stupidity that this blog once possessed. Though informative, the blog is lacking a bit of the humor and lightness of it's previous days. I will now remedy that.

Carrier Pigeons.

Why did that ever go out of style. I mean, seriously. I can't think of anything more fascinating than a carrier pigeon... except dragons. Did people honestly send notes and such via the dumbest birds in the world? Over half of all the messages sent must have ended up under some bridge somewhere while the idiot birds got destroyed by horse drawn carriages and wild foxes. Cause you know how much wild foxes love pigeons. It's crazy how much. I guess I just answered my question as to why this method of communication went out of style.

Perhaps a better questions is how did it ever begin in the first place? I've never seen someone with a pet pigeon, and it's probably because pigeons are extremely unintelligent... and they're just gross. How anyone ever taught a pigeon to fly from one specific place to another with a note tied to its skinny little leg is beyond me. How big were these notes anyway? I mean... how much can a pigeon really handle? And it's not like they had tape back then to make sure the note stayed securely attached to the bird. Maybe they used sap. Yeah. That's it... tree sap. You surely couldn't send any messages of true importance via carrier pigeons. The odds of the bird landing in mud or traipsing through a puddle had to be pretty substantial. Maybe it was just dumb messages like "don't forget to bring some corn home" or "your quilt is finished." Messages that, if undelivered, wouldn't matter too much. I feel sorry for the person who just got a carrier pigeon and hadn't learned how stupid they were yet. They send "don't come to visit. We all have the plague" to their family, and the family shows up. They all die, and it's all because of the dumb pigeon. I bet the pigeon wouldn't even feel sorry. Idiot.

And were there different pigeons for different destinations? As if one pigeon isn't bad enough, you now have to have a pigeon for family members, the doctor, the preacher, the grocer, your best friend, and a magician (people loved magicians way back when). Thats the bare minimum, and thats about seven or so pigeons. Miserable.

I hope this has made you a little more thankful to the postal service men and women out there. That wasn't the initial goal of this posting, but there you go. Thanks postal man. Thanks postal woman. I'm glad you're brain is bigger than a pigeon's.

Cause stamps are cheaper than replacement pigeons,

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Life is a Rollercoaster

Up and down and up and down. This is the theme of my time in LA, and I know the Lord is teaching me incredible things through each peak and valley. One of the constant lessons is in trusting Christ.

The Lord has encouraged me to keep a very level view of this whole band thing. I've been constantly reminding myself to thank Him for each day and realize that it could be gone in a second. I feel like this has allowed me to remember that Christ is all I really need and not to place all my joy or worth in the success of this current job.

No... I didn't get kicked out of the band. We did, however, get news this past week that we won't be going to France for the Cannes Film Festival. Something fell through with the venue, and there were some problems with the booking (overall it was just a huge mess). Kind of disappointing for the band, but honestly I was relieved! There was so much pressure on us since we were taking such a big trip, and I was really apprehensive about all of it. I mean, the band is really good, and I've definitely enjoyed it so far, but it's all VERY new, and I'm just not sure we were totally prepared for something on that scale. I think we all felt a little pressure lift when we got the news.

So, now we're sort of starting at square one (which I think is great!). We're actually working together right now to write our own music. We're figuring out what style fits us best. We're actually doing things that a true band should do! I feel like we can now really invest in the band and make it our own instead of just performing other people's music (even if we did a good job of that).

It'll be interesting to see where things go from here, and I'm gonna keep thanking the Lord for each day knowing that it could be over tomorrow. He's been with me through the ups and downs, and I have no doubt He'll stay with me through whatever is ahead! Just keep praying that I'll be receptive to His leading and a light to those around me.
