Monday, January 26, 2009

Just One Week

A week. I only have a week left before I move to Los Angeles, CA. I'm not sure I can really process that.

I imagine the reality that I'm moving to California will eventually hit, but right now I'm mostly excited. Not that saying bye to my sisters and mom this morning was easy at all. My sister Rebecca, her son Luke, and my mom drove over from Atlanta, GA last night to see me sing with the praise team at Brook Hills and spend some time with me before I head off. My incredible dad would have come if he could, but I don't think First Baptist Church Jonesboro would have had a very good time of worship at their Sunday night service if their Minister of Music hadn't been there! We all met up this morning with my other sister Rachel and her daughter Faith to eat breakfast before saying our goodbyes.

I hate goodbyes. They always make me wonder why I'm leaving the people I love most and going off somewhere that they won't be. But I have to remember that the Lord takes us to the places that will bring Him the most glory, not the places where we're always most comfortable. How can I be challenged to truly have faith in Christ and rely on Him when I'm constantly surrounded by things that make my life easy and comfortable. This experience has already opened my eyes to the sovereignty of the Lord and His power and desire to take care of us, and I'm sure I'm just seeing the beginning of what He's going to teach me. That's why I'm going. There's so much for Him to show me and so much knowledge to gain that I might never learn from the comfort of where I am right now. Will it be hard? Of course. Will I get lonely? Definitely. But, will Christ become more real to me than He's ever been before? I have no doubt that He will!

I don't know how this move to LA will pan out, but I know that I can make the move in confidence that the Lord is leading the way. His hand is COMPLETELY in this, and I just have to trust His leading. I'm excited about the road ahead. The long, long road. Haha! Keep me in your prayers!


1 comment:

Josh P said...

Hey Robby. That is SO awesome how things are working out for you to move to L.A. The listings on Craigslist is really bountiful for most likely whatever you're looking for (namely entertainment positions). It's competitive though, but just keep at it. You'll want to check there at least once (or several times) a day to find something. And it's all about who you know, so be sure to make lots and lots of friends. I've made the trip twice before. It's practically a straight shot. Bring lots of music/audiobooks with you. Food is essential for snacking while driving too. And don't forget to enjoy the panoramic beauty along the way. One more thing: Keep posting. ;)