Monday, January 12, 2009

God is so incredible.

One of my worries with moving to LA is that I don't have anywhere to live. I've been checking Craigslist everyday for various possibilities, and I can't tell you how discouraging that can be (look at "rooms and shares" on Craigslist in LA, and you'll see what I mean). I've also been looking through the listings on a site that Bel Air Presbyterian Church has for people looking for roommates. I had seen a couple potential possibilities that could work, but nothing really seemed right.

I was checking it out today, and a listing popped up for 2 guys who need a roommate in Studio City (the main area I was wanting to live). Rent looked good, location looked great, the place seemed nice. So, I emailed the guy and let him know I was interested right before I checked to see if he was on facebook. Of course, he was on facebook, and I noticed that we had a mutual friend. My friend Ian Smith had lived out in LA for a while and then moved to B'ham and worked with Booster Enterprises with me. He's an awesome guy, and I thought it was incredibly ironic (or just God being amazing) that out of everyone in LA this guy looking for a roommate knew Ian. I called Ian and he told me the guy renting out the room was awesome and he'd let him know we were friends. I then decided that I didn't want to miss this opportunity, so I called the number that was listed on the website, and ended up talking to the guy for about 20 minutes. Ends up he's an incredible Christian from Nashville, TN who's been out in LA for about 5 years. He leads a Bible study every Wednesday night. He's going to be a youth pastor out in LA. And the set up in the apartment he's living in is perfect for me. Unreal. I told him I'd take some time to pray about it and maybe have my friends come look at the place, but I had such a peace about living there that I immediately emailed him to let him know I wanted the spot if his roommate was ok with it. So... I have a place to live! And not just that, but a solid, Christian friend to live with!

I cannot express how unbelievably blessed I feel right now. Not only because God has placed this awesome living situation in my lap, but also because I really feel like He's confirming this decision to move to LA. I've been trying to keep my desire to pursue performance from clouding my views as to whether or not the Lord is leading me to move to LA, and this really has encouraged me that I'm moving in HIS direction. I'm just so humbled by how Christ is working through this situation and so excited about the faith that He's building in me!

God is so good. I don't deserve it, but He's so good.

Keep praying! I know there will be struggles ahead, but I'm confident that Christ is in control.

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