Thursday, September 6, 2007

Growing up...

blows. I'm now officially financially independent... and I'm finding it pretty frustrating. There is a certain excitement about being completely responsible for yourself and your bills (However, I still have an "emergency" credit card from my parents), but overall its just overwhelming. Along with figuring out how to get car insurance, paying rent and utilities, changing my cell phone bill address, and paying other random bills that arise, I'm trying to apply to medical school. They don't try to make the process easy for you, either. I'm sending transcripts all over the place, writing essays, and paying ridiculous amounts of money to simply try and get into a freakin' school that I'm not sure I want to go to! I'm building character, though. Learning to be responsible. I have to keep reminding myself of that. At least I now know that I want the 50/100/50 auto insurance plan with a $250 deductible (I'm still not positive about what the heck I got). Oh well. I'm just glad that God watches over naive idiots like me. Thank you Lord. I don't know where I'd be otherwise. I guess adulthood is something you just have to be thrown into, or you'll never grow up. I'm sure I'll look back and appreciate falling on my face and being forced to get back up on my own, and I'm being reminded daily that it really does build character to work hard for something. I know these are really simple, small things I'm dealing with, and most people do them with ease all the time. I'll learn. Actually... I'm learning right now. I'll embrace it, as bad as it seems. It's scary to grow up, but the idea of never growing up is even more frightening. Here I am... on the verge of adulthood. I'm jumping in.


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