Thursday, June 4, 2009

Weekend/Week Update!

Updates from the past week...

I catered an event last weekend for the Michael J. Fox Foundation (yes, Mr. Fox was there... and he was such an encouraging and hilarious person). Guess who else was there. Hints: He sings. He plays piano. He's written some of the greatest songs of all time. His skin is quite a bit darker than mine. Any guesses? Well, I'll just let you try to figure it out. But I will say that he was UNBELIEVABLE! So surreal getting to watch him perform at some private party. Another hint, you say? Alright, alright. He's blind... and his last name is a brand of bread. No more hints. Some other names you may recognize were at the party including Jason Bateman, Amanda Peet, and Jimmy Kimmell. They all seemed very nice.

Sunday night we got a group together to go to Grace Community Church and then hung out at a friend's house playing games. I love game nights so much. Seriously. It's probably my favorite thing to do. Sit around with incredible people playing stupid games and laughing way too much. I can't believe how the Lord blesses me with such amazing friends wherever I live! It really is incredible. I do miss my B'ham peeps and family so much, but I'm so thankful for the relationships I've formed here.

Monday I spent the day hanging out at a friend's apartment watching movies and reading on her balcony looking toward the mountains. Yeah... it was amazing. You really can't beat California weather. Well... not easily at least. It's been so nice to have time to enjoy the surroundings since I've been out here, but I don't know how I'm gonna transition back into working everyday! Actually, I think I'll enjoy it. I like keeping busy, and this downtime has been silently stressing me out since I've been here. I'm getting to the point where I need some tasks to complete and some goals set!

Thank the Lord, we did find someone to take over my room in the apartment starting July 1st! It will definitely be bitter sweet moving back to the south, but I just really feel like it's the right thing to do. I've loved my time in LA, and I honestly would love to stay here longer, but I feel the things I want to accomplish and the direction I want to head in life will be best pursued somewhere else. Where will that be? I honestly don't know for sure. Nashville seems like a pretty good option, though. That's all in God's hands, though! I've had a hard enough time trying to figure out whether or not I'm supposed to leave LA. I'm just gonna take the steps of faith I feel I should take and trust that He'll continue to lead me to the next one!

Not sure what the next few weeks hold for me (so far it's not any work! Well, I actually have two more parties to cater this weekend), but I'm just trying to wait patiently. Change is on the horizon, and I'm spending a lot of time in prayer about when and how to take steps toward that change.

Keep the prayers coming!

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