Thursday, January 10, 2008

10? made it

the internet here is incredibly not fast and it wont allow me to check the blog so i can only email updates.  we made it here and all is well.  sarah is with her people now and they are all great so im really excited for her.  still not sure what i will be up to for the next couple weeks but i would be okay just sitting and reading and writing for awhile so im not too worried.
also, they have a weird calendar here and so they just had the millienium celebration in september and everywhere you go there are signs celebrating the year 2000.  its pretty sweet.
- j(w)s


Shaft (He's a Bad Mutha' Shut Yo' Mouth) said...

Dude, your play-by-play of the airport events was great. And texting the engagement was classic. I hope Ethiopia is as money as it sounds. I think you should move there honestly. I've even prayed about it a little bit... if you count the future, in like 10 minutes. And call me if you can... I'll probably be working as usual, but you can leave a message and make fun of me for something like you normally do. Hug an Ethiopian for me, and sleep on the street at least one night just for good measure. God's speed. Holla.

Anonymous said...

jerm. i miss sarah.